How do I exchange my item?


Within 30 days of delivery, you can return your product and receive one of the same model back!

To request an exchange, you just need to submit your request in our claim portal, the “Service hub”:

  1. Click here to open the “Service hub”.
  2. Enter invoice number and postal code to find your order. 
  3. Select the relevant item, choose exchange from the drop-down list, and describe the issue in detail, attaching pictures and videos, if this is useful, to help us better understand.
  4. One of our experts will review your case and inform you of the next steps via e-mail, within two working days at the latest.

Can I receive a different model in exchange?

It’s not possible to receive a different model in exchange. But you can return your product asking for a refund and buy the one that you actually want!


Do you know how to return your product for a refund? Click here to find out!

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