Trouble Shooting - EX10013200 - RCSL 2/12A - Slush Machine


1. All claims related to leak can’t be accepted. There is no possibility to leak if customer is operating device according to user manual.

    Here is the video how to clean device

    How to clean a Slush Machine - Disassembly and Maintenance (


2. We will not accept any dirty device to be returned or if this happened, customer will be charged for extra labor.


3. Any leak issue should be resolved by customer:

  • Greasing parts according to user manual
  • Proper mounting sealing gaskets and container or replace the sealing gaskets


4. Any issue with not freezing:

  • Check where are the controller knobs for setting the temperature or read manual how to set on the control panel

     if this doesn’t work, send to service cleaned device


Crucial points to be happy with device:

  1. Cleaning and maintenance
  2. Proper mixture sugar vs. water – user manual
  3. Be familiar with user manual



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